Sunday School at St. Alban's
Let the little ones come to me, and do not keep them away.
– Matthew 19:14
Children in our Church Community
At St Alban's children are seen as an important part of the church community. We aim to provide the children with a programme that not only is enjoyable but also engages them in learning more about their Christian faith and life.
The program at St Alban's caters for children from kindergarten age through to primary school age.
Sunday School 9am – 9:40am
Children are encouraged to join in the beginning of our church service at 9:00 am, then moving out into the parish hall until around 9:40 am for their own activities. They are then are brought back into the church for the final part of the service to receive a blessing or Holy Communion, and to share with us details of their morning activities
All new children are welcome to join and parents are welcome to participate in the programme.
Family Service – 4th Sunday
of the month
The 4th Sunday of the month is a family service and children attend the church service with their family for the whole service.